How to Be A Better Sales Leader

Empowering and enabling your team  to think and act like leaders is very difficult.

But it may be the key to your success as a leader.

The secret is that top sales leaders intentionally demonstrate what great leadership looks like to empower their people,  increase their team’s self-motivation, and raise the bar on their critical thinking and execution.

Join me in this episode as I share how great sales leaders walk the walk and inspire their teammates by demonstrating what great leadership looks like…

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • How top leaders demonstrate effective  behavior to influence how their teammates think and act ([2:06])
  • The hypocrisy trap that many leaders fall victim (Warning: this mistake will make it impossible for you to get your teammates to live up to your expectations) ([2:36])
  • Use this “Push vs Pull” framework to get your team to change for the better and reduce resistance ([4:58])
  • The “Kimono Peek” method that great leaders use to empower their teammates to excel in their job ([6:15])

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How to Diagnose Sales Performance Problems

Do you know there’s ONE big thing that separates the truly great sales leaders from your average ones?

Not only does cultivating this trait lead to huge gains in sales and revenue, but it also keeps your team from hitting a ceiling in their growth.

Best part?

Learning this skill doesn’t have to take years but it does take some practice.

In this episode, I share the hidden skill that the top sales leaders on the planet apply every day to build and lead the most successful sales organizations in their industry.

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • #1 underrated habit every great sales leader has that keeps them from hitting a plateau ([1:13])
  • The “Why” method for finding the root cause of your business growth problem and fixing it([3:03])
  • The “Experience Bias” pothole that most leaders fall victim to (Warning: this will keep you stuck on surface level problems for months…) ([5:47])
  • What the best sales leaders in the world look for when solving a challenging problem in their organization ([9:23])
  • Why the “Ready. Fire. Aim” model of jumping into a challenge head first is going to cause you extra headache and unnecessary work ([11:17])

How to Influence My Sales Team’s Behavior

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Did you know that certain, natural biases are the main obstacle to getting your teammates to change their behavior?

What do I mean?

Well, biases are ingrained in human behavior going back to our earliest history as a species.

These biases govern our decisions and behavior to this very day. Reasoning with us can be extremely challenging and no matter how logical our arguments may be, influencing others to take new or different action feels futile at times.

The good news is that anyone can learn to influence people in the right direction if they know how to account for and address these biases.

Join me in this episode as I share practical tips that will help your teammates overcome their own biases and make positive behavior changes.

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The approach to Overcoming Confirmation Bias that great sales leaders use to their advantage ([1:35])
  • Having a hard time getting your teammates to change? Start doing THIS if you want your team to solve a problem that they shy away from ([2:47])
  • How to help your teammates improve in the most effective way (Not following this could result in your teammates hearing your advice but not taking appropriate action…) ([5:49])
  • Use this Evidence-Based method the next time you absolutely must drive a change in your team’s behavior ([7:49])

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Click here to listen now!

How Do I Prioritize As a Sales Leader?

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What do you think is the highest priority for a great sales leader?

Helping every member of the team hit their KPI’s? Investing into the development of people who are struggling the most? Or perhaps it’s focusing only on your top performers?

The right answer is, “It depends!”

There is one thing that is always true, however. Like it or not, as a leader you must learn to say “No” when asked to engage in low priority activities.

Join me in this episode as I share the formula for success that great sales leaders follow to achieve more with less time and to help their people live up to their full potential.

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • How great sales leaders figure out the right teammates to invest their time in (This results in hours of frustration avoided and outsized returns for your time investment) ([1:20])
  • Are your teammates averse to change? Do this to figure out whether you’re investing your time in the wrong person ([3:17])
  • The “Assessment” Habit every great leader has in their arsenal that keeps them and their team from getting stuck in a rut ([4:00])
  • The “Ruthless Prioritization” method to make sure you stay hyper-focused on the tasks that matter ([8:46])
  • Tired of solving low-priority problems for your teammates? Do this the next time a teammate comes to you with an issue that’s not worth investing your time ([9:03])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and

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Click here to listen now!

How Can I Develop A Great Sales Team

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What do you think goes into developing a great sales team?

Giving them space to figure out their problems on their own? Getting out of their way and letting them “do their job”? Or maybe incenting them every day to hit their targets?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then perhaps you’re looking at your role the wrong way….

Developing  a great sales team involves a set of skills you can learn. It involves communicating with your team in a different way and helping them find the right path..

Join me in this episode as I share exactly what you need to do to help your team figure out what’s expected of them, help them be more self-motivated to make fruitful changes in their behavior  and win more…

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • How to build up team spirit (Do this if you want your hires to work effectively as a team, all striving for the same goal while helping each other) ([2:12])
  • The 3 simple questions you need to ask your team to set clear expectations ([3:02])
  • The “Common Ground” trait every great sales team shares (This unifies the team and motivates its members to help each other excel) ([6:10])
  • What the cornerstone of every great sales team is (Warning: not having this means your team will be less likely to meet expectations and more likely to NOT work well with each other) ([12:18])
  • A 3-step guide to craft a great sales team that consistently exceeds expectations and over-delivers on results ([15:38])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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Do You Have What It Takes to Be A Great Sales Coach?

Most salespeople believe they have what it takes to be a great sales coach.

But is that really true?

Truth be told, it takes a certain set of skills, characteristics, and mindset to make it to the top. And, unfortunately, not everyone is cut out for it.

The good news is that you can cultivate these traits to become a great sales leader.

Join me in this episode, as I share the blueprint for entering the top tier of sales coaches in your industry. You’ll discover how to inspire your team to greatness, how to get the results you want, and how to exceed expectations time and time again.

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The simple formula to develop a great sales team that crushes their monthly goals each month ([2:10])
  • Why not everyone is meant to be a great sales coach (and how to know if you have what it takes to be one) ([3:27])
  • The ONE mindset shift that every great sales coach uses to get their team to exceed expectations—every time ([5:41])
  • #1 underrated trait that every great coach has (Warning: not having this will lead to ineffective coaching, missing targets and endless amounts of frustration…) ([6:56])
  • How to Build a Successful Team: A Step-By-Step Guide ([8:38])
  • What your #1 objective as a sales coach is (Not knowing this means you’ll frequently miss targets and be left with an ineffective team that fails to hit KPIs) ([16:05])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and

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How Can Sales Leaders Manage Their Time Better?

Sales leaders often feel that time is their biggest obstacle to achieving more growth in their business.

But that’s not entirely true.

In reality, it’s not about how much time you have, but how effectively you manage your time.

The good news is that anyone can learn from successful sales leaders to manage their time better and use it wisely.

Join me in this episode as I’ll share how great sales leaders effectively manage their time to complete their tasks faster, optimize their sales process, and ultimately grow their business.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The #1 overlooked hurdle every leader faces that keeps them growing their business (do this if you want to consistently hit your KPI’s on time) ([2:07])
  • The “Define Success” method that every great sales leader uses to help their team close double the amount of deals in half the time ([4:35])
  • How the best sales leaders strategize plans to tackle projects in half the time with reduced effort (and still close more deals than 99% of sales leaders) ([7:09])
  • How to figure out which areas of your business to focus on for maximum growth ([10:43])
  • Use this “Stop Ask” method to cut down on unnecessary work while spending as little time as possible skyrocketing your business ([15:30])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and

follow us on Facebook:

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Why The Divine Comedy of Sales? Why Now?

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Most people think they need to be born with some special talent to become a great sales leader.

But that’s absolutely not true.

In fact, over the years of training & coaching sales leaders, I’ve learned that only a few key factors separate your run-of-the-mill sales leaders from the top 1%.

And you know what?

Anybody can learn the traits needed to become a great sales leader.

Join me in this episode as I share jaw-dropping practical tips on how you can explode your career growth as a sales leader—while outperforming everyone else in your industry by a mile.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The 3 hallmark characteristics of a great sales leader (implement these if you want to supercharge your career growth) ([2:16])
  • The “Value Add” method that the top 1% of the sales leaders use to create loyal long-term clients ([4:23])
  • How to ethically make your client choose your expensive product or service over popular cheaper alternatives every time ([5:45])
  • The “Development Lens” framework that every successful sales leader uses for stable business growth ([9:03])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and

follow us on Facebook:

Follow Matt on social media:

The Divine Comedy Of Sales Intro

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You’ve been hired to lead a sales team or an entire sales organization. Whether you’ve been a Sales Leader before or if this is your first time, you are going to face challenges as you develop your people, lead them to greatness, and achieve your sales goals.
Sales Leaders have the pivotal role in business, and getting great sales results consistently is incredibly challenging. This show is dedicated to the Sales Leader who knows their team’s success depends on effective leadership.
If you want practical, real-world advice from Sales Leaders who have overcome the challenges you’re experiencing, then this is the show for you.

Coaching and Enabling Modern Sales Motions: Know Your Terms and Tools

Modern sales motions

Modern sales motions require that sales process, methods, and supporting tools integrate to encourage and enable the right behavior from sellers, sales managers, and collaborative functions like marketing, sales operations, and customer success.

There is an awful lot of noise these days about modern sales motions and what it takes to enable excellent sales practices. In the sales performance business, practitioners toss words like “methodology” and “process” around quite a bit, and there is an apparent lack of clarity about what those terms mean in application to sales performance. I hear sales leaders on a regular basis mislabel a method as a process, or they describe a process as a methodology. This may seem pedantic, but we really do have to be clear and careful about the words we use to describe sales methods, processes, and systems.

Why is sales terminology important?

Choosing tools and integrating methods into a system requires clarity about the business outcomes we want to achieve, the behaviors that will bring about those outcomes, and the various ways in which we need to encourage and enable those behaviors.

Knowing if we are enabling a process (i.e., a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular sales outcome) or enabling a system (i.e., a set of sales tools, methods, and processes working together) is critical to selecting the right tools.

Methodology is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, “A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.” For our purposes, the particular activity referred to in that definition is professional selling. The “system of methods” part of the definition tells us the various methods are meant to work together, and they work together to achieve something important for the business – e.g., sales growth, reduced cost of sales, less talent risk, and so forth.

Sales methods are applied to common, discrete layers of an organization’s sales motion. Typically, these methods are categorized in the following way:

  • Sales call planning, execution, and follow-through
  • Sales process execution and opportunity management
  • Account planning and relationship management –
  • Territory planning and execution
  • Pipeline management and forecasting
  • Prospecting and Lead Management

As you look at that list, you might think, “We don’t have methods established in all of those areas.” That may or may not be a problem, depending on the nature of your sale. If yours is a very simple sale, for example, comprising a single interaction with a single buyer, then you probably do not need to have an account planning and relationship management method established. In another example, if your lead development approach is strictly inbound, then you probably do not need to have a method established for outbound prospecting.

On the other hand, if yours is a more complex sale – meaning your sale requires multiple interactions with more than one buying contact, then the need to have methods established for the various layers of sales activity is greater. The discipline of account and relationship management, for example, may be critical for you as there are multiple opportunities to be identified and multiple contacts to be cultivated within each target client. Call execution in the complex sales also tends to drive the need for an approach that encompasses both effective opportunity management and call planning.

Making Sense of All Those Methodologies

If you have committed to or are considering committing to a new sales method or a collection of methods (i.e., a methodology), you must consider where those methods fit in your sales tech stack. Perhaps another way to think about the sales tech stack is if it were a sales behavior stack.

Key questions to ask when assembling your sales behavior stack include –

  • What kind of planning, execution, and follow-through are we trying to encourage by adopting this method or methodology?
  • How can we integrate tools and design our workflow to enable the methods that we believe will lead to our desired outcomes?
  • And, of course… what does effective coaching look like in our environment, and how do we enable it?

I don’t have a rooting interest in any one sales methodology provider, but we do have a short list of providers whose methodologies we appreciate because they are buyer-centric and have some degree of behavioral science in their root system. In other words, they are based on things that we know are important –the buyer must be front and center in all your sales activities and your chosen methods should be derived by way of the scientific method (i.e., observation, gathering information, asking questions, forming and testing a hypothesis, drawing conclusions, documenting, and so on) as opposed to guesswork or guru-mirroring.

If you haven’t been able to scan the sales methodology marketplace recently, it remains crowded and dynamic. The barriers to entry for sales method providers are relatively low, as a new generation of “sales experts” enters the market every few years with fresh ideas (that sound a lot like the old ideas – but who am I to criticize). There is also a handful of long-standing, reputable providers who tend to dominate the market, especially the large and middle-market enterprise market for sales training.

I spend essentially all my professional life working with sales leadership teams and supporting functions, and I frequently have the opportunity to geek out with sales enablement and revenue operations people on topics like sales methodologies, tools, systems, et cetera. All that time spent living in the world of sales methods, tools, et cetera gives me a deeply grounded sense of who’s who, who is good at what, where they fit in, and so forth – when it comes to the sales method provider landscape.

For instance, if you were to quiz me on the top sales methodology providers in the different zones of sales planning and execution and what they are currently / best known for, my answers would include…

  • Ignite Selling (call execution, opportunity strategy, account strategy)
  • SparxIQ (call execution, opportunity strategy)
  • Korn Ferry, formerly Miller-Heiman (account strategy, opportunity strategy)
  • Huthwaite International (call execution, opportunity management)
  • Corporate Visions (call execution, opportunity management)
  • Challenger (call execution)
  • Richardson Sales Performance (call execution, opportunity management, territory management)
  • Force Management (call execution, opportunity management, territory and pipeline management)

There are dozens of niche players that specialize in one specific zone like prospecting skills or negotiating skills. There are too many of those to mention in this space.

Regardless of which method(s) you choose, integrating those methods into your sales infrastructure – particularly your sales tech stack – is crucial for organizations that want to compete effectively in the B2B space.

Why? Because modern sales tools are widely available, inexpensive, and modern sales motions are fully democratized nowadays. It is possible and easy for a relatively young firm to access and leverage tools that were once the domain of established businesses with big enablement budgets.

A Key Piece In the Puzzle

Over the last fifteen years or so, I have been involved in numerous sales tech stack initiatives and participated in the integration of sales process and technology in more than a dozen different businesses. I have observed the evolution of CRM and sales process enablement tools over the years – solutions like Altify’s Dealmaker, various Salesforce native tools, Pipeliner CRM, and tools built for Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho CRM, and the list goes on.

I try to stay educated on the sales process and opportunity management tools space, in particular, because those tools tend to have the greatest impact on the daily practices of sales leaders in complex B2B sales environments (where I frequently work). Where there is complexity in the sales process, opportunity management tools can help sales leaders keep close tabs on the execution of their organization’s sales process — for instance, keeping a close eye on the completion of sales process stages, the achievement of key milestones, and understanding the relative health of opportunities in their pipeline and forecast.

Recently, I was able to tinker with a tool called SalesPath+. It enables effective opportunity management in a simple but elegant way. It is a Salesforce-native tool, so it is only for those organizations that are already using or committed to using Salesforce as their CRM of record. It is sales motion and methodology-friendly, meaning it is easily configurable to enable any sales process or opportunity management methodology that you choose.

For instance, if you are a devoted Ignite Selling or Force Management shop, you can easily configure this tool to enable those specific sets of methods. If you are a Build Your Own (“BYO”) or Best of Breed (“BoB”) sort of shop, meaning you’ve assembled your own, best-of-breed opportunity management methodology, SalesPath+ can enable that, too. I am sure the folks over at Advanced Sales AI, the creators of Sales Path+ will be happy to talk with you, but if you want to take a look at a video and some of their latest content, go to their LinkedIn page. (I don’t get a commission for this, for the record.)

If you have comments on any of the tools or methodology providers mentioned in this article, share them along with a link to this article on LinkedIn. In the meantime, I will continue to keep an eye out for sales enablement tools and technologies that help sales leaders and their teams to enable the right behavior for their business. More posts on the topic of coaching and enabling modern sales motions will be coming soon.