How to Be A Conductor and Not A One Man Band with Rachel Provan

Being a leader is tough.Especially if it’s a new leadership role.

Impostor syndrome is real.

You might think you have to know everything, even though you just started.

And how do you handle the people you manage who think they could do your job better than you can?

Rachel Provan is here to relieve the pressure you’re feeling and to explain why you don’t have to do everything or micromanage to lead your team effectively.

This is an enlightening and encouraging episode whether you’re a tenured leader or about to step into your first leadership role.

Listen now!

Show highlights include:

  • What pack animals know about leadership, and how the two things they seek in an alpha are the same two things you need to lead your team. ([5:09])
  • The Shoelace Secret. Why some people need to fall on their face before they’ll learn a lesson, even though you’ve taught them over and over. ([9:03])
  • Mistaken beliefs about impostor syndrome. (Know the truth so you can lift the burden of perfectionism off your shoulders.) ([10:25])
  • The counterintuitive reason permission to fail is the best gift to give a new member of your team. ([11:50])
  • Afraid AI is coming for your job? Why cultivating empathy will keep you ahead of the bots, even as they get smarter. ([25:07])
  • When it’s OK to drop a plate, and the “life goes on” lesson you learn when one falls. ([13:04])
  • Somebody you manage gunning for your job? How to lead them effectively without being consumed by paranoia or emotions. ([17:30])

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How Trust and Diverse Perspectives Lead to A Winning Culture with Kenny Klein

Communication and culture are critical.

Poor communication undermines trust in your organization. If you can’t keep your team on the same page, differences in demographics, backgrounds, and opinions can create friction that slams the brakes on sales growth.

Kenny Klein knows these issues firsthand. In his time at Grubhub, he’s grown from individual contributor to sales manager to Senior Director of Sales and Operations. As the business has grown, so has the sales team–to a few hundred  members.

In this episode, Kenny shares lessons learned and insights that will help you communicate with your team no matter what size.

You’ll also learn how to navigate challenges before they can cripple sales and undermine your leadership.

Listen now!

Show highlights include:

  • The avalanche effect that imbalanced communication creates.
  • Why an FAQ should be the MVP of your next policy change and why promising to update it makes it even more useful to your sales team.
  • How three simple questions –What? Why? How?– let you know the right time to share information (and how much to share).
  • Struggling to reach the decision maker? How to supplement soft skills with hard data to break through the invisible barrier keeping you from making contact.
  • How to accommodate diverse worldviews and attitudes to keep a sales team working cohesively and focused on winning together.

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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How to Learn and Grow By Teaching Others with Mark McCary

What truly drives growth in your team?

Is it trust, exceptional leadership or incentives that encourage the right behavior?

The real secret to growth is something different.

Join us in this episode as Mark McCary, Partner at Serious Development, reveals the secret  key to team growth. Discover how to motivate your sales reps to unlock their full potential and how you can grow alongside them.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • How to build efficiency and cut your development costs  with ChatGPT (Note: This will help you save hundred of thousands of dollars every year) ([5:21])
  • Try this “Reverse Call” technique that high performing salespeople use to consistently exceed their quota ([10:17])
  • The counterintuitive reason why doing your sales rep’s work alongside them improves their productivity drastically ([15:14])
  • How to extract the deepest pain points from your customers to dramatically increase  your sales call conversion rate ([19:45])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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How to Show Your People You Really Care with Mareo McCracken

Being a sales leader means juggling numerous responsibilities all at once.

Coaching, interpreting data, planning, selling with the team, reporting —the list goes on….

With so much on our plates, it can be challenging to demonstrate genuine care as leaders.

Join us in this episode as Mareo McCracken, Chief Revenue Officer of MoveMedical, shares lessons he has learned about how to inspire and unleash the full potential of your team by demonstrating genuine care.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The key trait you need to look for in your next sales rep hire (This trait drastically cuts down on the learning time & shortcuts their path to success) ([1:53])
  • How to unlock your sales teams’ hidden potential for growth ([7:21])
  • How to get your sales team out of a rut and get into a fastrack for success ([10:15])
  • The “SC Fallacy” that makes leaders waste time on bad hires (and how you can avoid that) ([11:14])
  • Your salesperson doesn’t believe in your product yet? Here’s how you turn them from a non-believer into someone that’s eagerly motivated to sell your product ([11:43])
  • The one skill every salesperson needs to develop to live a fulfilling life inside & outside of work ([19:43])

Book a call with Matt using this link: 

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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How to Get Your Team’s Absolute Best with Larry Letow

Do you want to know the key factor that separates leaders who earn the respect and support of their team from those who don’t?

It’s investment.

As a leader, it is crucial to invest in your teammates and genuinely care about them.


Because when you demonstrate your investment in them, they are more likely to reciprocate and invest in you.

If you fail to show that you care, they won’t feel motivated to follow your lead, respect you, or provide support.

In this captivating episode, we are joined by the legendary Larry Letow, the CEO of CyberCX. Larry will generously share his extensive leadership experience and insights. You’ll learn how genuinely caring for your teammates can yield infinite returns, earning respect and appreciation effortlessly.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The “Personality Assumption” mindset shift can help leaders sidestep frustration & stress with their team ([2:28])
  • How to unleash your teammates’ growth potential rapidly by decoding their personality types ([3:53])
  • Try this “Supply Engine” framework to hire & retain a higher caliber of teammates ([6:50])
  • The crucial mistake that almost every leader makes that bottlenecks their team’s potential to grow ([9:46])
  • Going through a lot of salespeople? Here’s what you might be doing wrong… (and how to fix it) ([13:33])
  • #1 underrated habit that separates great leaders from average ones (note: this’ll make your teammates respect & appreciate you more) ([18:17])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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How True Leaders Breed Other Leaders with Dana Isola

Have you ever wondered why some leaders are better than others at helping people reach their full potential?

What can you learn from their example? What can you replicate that will strengthen your team?

One of those great leaders you can learn from is Dana Isola.

In this episode, Dana shares some important lessons he has learned about cultivating trust and drawing the best effort from his team. Learn how to gain your team’s unwavering trust, inspire them to reach their full potential, and much more.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Drill down these 2 traits with your team if you want them to follow your lead and trust you implicitly ([2:57])
  • Don’t make this motivation-killing mistake with your team ([4:35])
  • How to effectively lead your team in the direction you want effortlessly ([6:35])
  • Here’s how great coaches efficiently help  their teammates grow ([11:06])
  • Use this “Stand By” technique to breed a culture of trust and accountability in your team (Note: This is a major trust builder, one you absolutely can’t ignore…) ([13:25])
  • How to use a positive mindset to get your desired outcome every time ([14:14])
  • The notorious “Retention” mistake leaders make ends up costing them their most skilled teammates ([14:54])
  • The “Extreme Success” framework you need to start using to succeed in any area in the shortest time possible ([20:43])
  • Why having multiple mentors, one for each field of your life, can cut down on your learning curve and shortcut your path to success ([21:34])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

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How to Tap Into the ‘Power of People’ with Tony DiLeo

A leader’s relationship with their team depends on one crucial factor, which can either make or break it.

Without this key element, your teammates are unlikely to willingly follow your lead, no matter what strategies or techniques you employ.

That essential factor is trust.

As a leader, your teammates simply want to know that you have their back. They rely on you to support them when they encounter challenges.

In this episode, we are joined by Tony DiLeo, the Senior Director of Sales at Converge One. He shares valuable insights on how to establish trust and become an effective leader. You’ll discover how to inspire your teammates to consistently achieve their targets and much more!

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The “Two Way Street” lesson every leader needs to realize to get people to follow them of their own free will ([2:17])
  • How to ethically leverage “Street Credit” to get buy in and support from your team ([3:05])
  • Is your company pushing big changes? Here’s what you need to do as a leader to keep your team motivated ([5:18])
  • The “1 on 1” coaching guide to keeping your team performing to the best of their abilities ([9:27])
  • How to build more authentic connections and get people in your corner ([14:32])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

Follow Matt on social media:

How Can I Strengthen My Executive Presence?

Strong Executive Presence

Exceptional leaders shine above the rest in part because of their remarkable executive presence.

They possess the power to captivate and motivate others.
Investing in this skill will amplify the impact of your work and reputation significantly.

Enhancing your executive presence earns you respect and followership and inspires those around you.

Join me for this episode, where I unveil a straightforward framework to enhance your executive presence. Discover how to confidently engage large, nerve-wracking audiences and much more.

Tune in now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Unleash Your Leadership Power: The 2 essential traits of commanding presence (and how to ignite them within you) ([2:19])
  • What Makes Leaders Stand Out? Unveiling the secrets of a powerful presence ([2:50])
  • Discover how one simple action can subconsciously motivate your team to follow your lead ([3:56])
  • Unveiling the game-changing C.T.R. framework to cultivate irresistible executive presence ([5:42])
  • Reasons why you feel anxious before large audiences (and what you can do to instead radiate an unshakable presence) ([7:28])
  • Want people to feel that you’re a confident leader? Start doing THIS before any anxiety-inducing event ([8:08])
  • What sets leaders with strong presence apart from average leaders? (and how you can become a leader with a commanding presence) ([12:14])
  • Here’s how great leaders plan and practice to get the desired outcome every time ([13:44])

Book a call with Matt using this link: 

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

Follow Matt on social media: 

Why Sales Teams Need Clear Expectations

As a sales leader, one of the absolute worst things you can have your team do is execute without clear expectations.

Without clear expectations, your team members may be performing  daily activities that have little or nothing to do with what you are trying to achieve.

Amateur sales leaders leave expectations to chance. What do they get in return? Lack luster results and frustration from the team. Is this what you want from your team? Of course not!

What do experienced sales leaders do instead?

They train their team to focus on the “how,” so each team member can hold themselves accountable and deliver the results they are paid to deliver.

Join me in this episode as I discuss how to set clear expectations for your sales team so they can  thrive in any environment.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • How to set clear expectations with your sales team so that everyone can thrive ([5:49])
  • The “what, why and how” formula to set your team on the path to success ([6:17])
  • How the “BHAG” is no longer sufficient for goal setting (do this instead) ([7:34])
  • How to get your team to hold themselves accountable by setting up easy to follow structures ([11:26])
  • The one thing you want your sales team to leave with in every interaction so that they hit their daily targets ([18:14])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

Follow Matt on social media:

How to Build Trust With Your Sales Team

Building trust with your team may seem like something you should do subconsciously… without thinking about it.

But great leaders build trust intentionally, and they know which habits build trust and which ones erode trust.

Join me in this episode as I share the game plan for how to build successful teams, maximize trust, and establish the type of open, positive culture that great leaders build.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Learn this overlooked behavior from great sales leaders to build trust in ANY interaction ([2:13])
  • Ask these questions before you interact with your teammates to show your reliability & get them to be more open ([2:55])
  • The “Other Orientation” approach that top sales leaders use to empower their teammates to perform to the best of their abilities ([5:38])
  • How great leaders demonstrate selflessness to build and strengthen trust with their teams, peers, and clients ([7:55])
  • The “trust account” mindset that the best leaders apply to strengthen relationships and empower their teams ([9:05])
  • Underrated habits that every great sales leader possesses. (Borrow these to become one yourself) ([11:20])

Book a call with Matt using this link:

To know more about United Sales Resources, head on over to our website and follow us on Facebook:

Follow Matt on social media: